
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy


School Days


Our new topic this term is a history based unit called 'School Days'.  During this unit we will be looking to answer the key question:


Were Victorian schools happy places to be?



Watch the video below to find out about the Victorian era.

The Victorian Era

Still image for this video
Choose either challenge 1 or challenge 2.  Remember that challenge 1 is aimed at year 1 children and challenge 2 is aimed at year 2 children, however we are happy for you to complete the challenge you feel is most appropriate for your child.
Challenge 1: Watch the video then look at the pictures on the sorting worksheet.  Which things belong in the past and which things belong in the present?  Can you explain how you know?

Challenge 2:  Watch the video then complete the mind map below showing the things you found out about the Victorian era.

