In our writing this term, we will be writing to persuade. Saints class will be using the power of persuasion and persuasive techniques to write compelling pieces of writing which really make the reader think about their opinions. We will be writing letters to important people to explain our believes and ideas and try to get our own way. This will be followed by creating a persuasive news article which will focus on changing the mindset of the reader. For all of our writing this term, we will be using our Stargazer topic to create our focuses, so get ready for some persuasive writing about spaceships, planets and the universe.
government explanation according hindrance parliament persuade recommend relevant suggests
In reading this term our class book will be 'Tom's Midnight Garden' by Phillipa Pearce.
Tom is sent away to stay with his aunt and uncle for the summer holidays. With no garden or children to play with, he feels lonely and unhappy, until one night he hears the clock striking thirteen and discovers a secret garden where he makes a new friend, Hatty. Yet it soon becomes clear that his new-found friend is living in another time altogether, and to her, Tom is a sort of ghost. Each time he visits the garden, Hatty has grown older. Finally, on a skating trip up the frozen river in the garden, Hatty and Tom begin to fade and become invisible to each other once more.
Tom's Midnight Garden by Philippa Pearce | BBC Teach
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