
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy


This term our class read will be...


Sahira's family are travelling to England to deliver two majestic Indian tigers to the menagerie in the tower of London.

But tragedy strikes and sickness steals Sahira's parents from her on the journey. Left alone in London, Sarhira finds herself confined to a miserable and dangerous orphanage. Despite her heartache and the threats she faces, Sahira is determined to carry out her father s last request to protect God s beautiful creatures: her tigers. To do so, Sahira must set out on an adventure and use all her powers of persuasion to engage the help of some new friends along the way.




Some more interesting texts and focuses for our reading this term:

This terms reading lessons will continue to build on the skills the children have developed throughout Key Stage 2. In preparation for the SATs, we will also be frequently looking at different texts and styles of questions to ensure the children are best prepared.
