
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy

Phonics and Writing

Read Write Inc


Our school phonics scheme for reading is called Read Write Inc.

The children have now be taught the set 1 sounds, and we will be focusing on blending this sounds to read and build words this term. 

The set 1 sounds are the sounds that are in your child's RWI home booklet (the small green book in your child's bookbags). Please utilise these to support their recognition and letter formation.

Fred (the green frog beside me) splits up a word into sounds ' m-a-t' and we call this Fred talk. Then, Fred helps us to blend, which means to put our sounds together to make a word.


At the bottom of the page, is a video to help support you at home to pronounce the sounds just like we do in school. Please make sure you are familiar with this, as it will help you to further support your child when reading their book to you at home.


Home reading

The process of home reading has changed slightly this term. They will be given a reading book which is personalised to their reading ability.

Reading books will now only be changed once per week during their Phonics sessions. It is good for the children to read a book more than once as it helps them to become fluent and confident readers.

They may also have an online homework book set weekly, which links to the book they would have been reading in their R.W.I sessions in school.

To help with this, please can you make sure that once the child practises their reading skills, that you spend time talking about the book. We want to develop a love for reading! Please record and date each occasion that your child reads their book with you. This enables your child each week to win a reading ticket.

Children will also continue to bring home a 'reading for pleasure book' that they can share with you during the week.

Parent video: How to say the sounds
