
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy


Multiplication and Division


Equal, arrays, double, group, sharing

This term we begin our new unit of multiplication division. In this unit we will recap counting in our 2s and 5s and begin to count in our 10s. We will also focus on making equal groups and adding equal groups. For example, 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8. We will then introduce arrays. An array in maths is an arrangement of objects, numbers or pictures in columns or rows. The purpose of an array is to help children understand multiplication and division. Towards the end of the unit we will look at making doubles, making equal groups and sharing equally. 



We had a go at making our own arrays

We drew an array and wrote repeated addition sentences

We went outside and looked at equal grouping. We used children and daisys

Can all numbers be divided into 2?



Half, equal parts, quarter


In this unit, we will be introducing the concepts 'half' and 'quarter'. We will show how to find half and a quarter of objects, shapes and quantities. 

Finding half

White Rose Maths App:


Children are expected to do 10 minutes a day on the 1-Minute Maths app that has been brought out by WRM. 


There are a range of tasks for the children to go on such as: subitising (recognising an amount by looking at it), addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Miss Smith will inform parents via Scholarpack as to which task the children need to focus on that week. Using this app for 10 minutes a day will support your child in building greater number confidence and fluency.



To see how to download the app and how to use it please see the attachments below. 
