What a great Environment session we had! During this session we continued to focus on reusable plastics to help reduce pollution around and in school. All week we collected plastic milk bottles that would of been placed in the bin and reused them to make bird houses. It was amazing to see everyone’s light shine while creating the bird houses.
What a busy session we had at our after school football club. We continued to focus on our passing skills taking it to a new level to continue pushing ourselves, our movement off the ball and our communication skills on the pitch.
During our after school club, we had a discussion about pollution, reusable energy and plastics as well as how we can turn old plastics around the house and school into something else that we could use in the allotment or at school.
we watered and weeded our allotment as well as having a tour around to see how everything we had planted had grown.
What a great football session we had tonight. We started off with a fun warm up game and our favourite called mirror tag then bib tennis. The main focus of this session was learning to pass to feet and receive the ball (ball control), we took part in some drills to practice and develop these skills. We discussed beforehand what part of the foot to use and where our foot should be facing when passing the ball so the ball goes where we want it too.
It was amazing to see everyone’s light shine once again.
During our last Environment session of the term, we started to fill our miniature garden bed ready for the beginning of next term to start putting it altogether with soil. We also endured all beds were watered, weeded and ready for a week off.
We we also made some bug hotels out of reusable plastic bottles. It was amazing to see everyone’s continued enthusiasm and passion while letting their light shine.
This evening at environment club we brain stormed and planned what we wanted to do for our miniature garden for the competition. There were lots of great ideas and roles being shared out to each member of our team. Afterwards, we went to the allotment once it stopped raining to check on all of our plants to see how they are getting on. It was amazing to see the children take the lead in this project and letting their light shine.
Towards the end of football club we had to come in slightly early due to the weather, but this didn’t stop us keeping active. We decided to have a koo koo kanga roo dance off. The year 5 and 6 had some amazing moves.
During after school club we introduced a new warm up games called mirror tag and bib tennis. This was to get the children moving and their heart bumping. Everyone adapted to this new warm up games and really enjoyed themselves. We then focused on defending vs attackers mini games to help improve our positioning and shadow marking skills.
It was amazing to see everyone’s light shine!
What a very busy Environment club we had! Our miniature garden set had been delivered this week and the pupils really enjoyed putting it altogether for our competition. Everyone enjoyed working together as a team to tidy and reorganised the poly tunnel ready for our new equipment and beds to go in.
It was amazing to see two pupils who even went up and beyond and made items out of reusable plastics for our miniature garden entry at home. These were a windmill and a poly tunnel. It was fantastic to see everyone’s light shine.
After school today, we focused on our crossing skills and attacking the ball while it was being crossed in. It was great to see everyone’s resilience while learning this difficult skill. We discussed where the ball needs to go while crossing it to allow the attacking player to have a better chance at scoring. It was agreed the ball needs to be slightly in front of the attacking player not behind. It was great seeing everyone’s light shine.
During Enviroment club we planted our onions, potatoes as well as giving everything a good watering. We discussed and shared out roles for our miniature garden that we are doing. The children have been set a challenge to try and make something out of reusable plastic that we can use for our miniature garden.
It was great to see everyone enjoying the sunshine and letting their light shine!
Today, Prophets and Saints class were able to take part in a drumming lesson! We had small practise sessions in the morning in small groups, and then performed as a whole class in the afternoon. This was so much fun and we really showed our musical sides!
Tonight during Environment club we were able to plant all of the chards, tomato’s, cauliflowers & courgette that we planted before Easter in small pots. We also worked together as a team to put carefully placed netting over one of our planting beds. It was amazing seeing all of the children get involved and seeing their light shine.
Prophets class and Saints class were very lucky this afternoon to learn about Inclusion in PE by Mr Haslam. We learned how Paralympians play ‘boccia’, and gave the sport a go ourselves! The team with the closest ball to the white ‘jack’ is the winner of the game!
What a great after school club we had today with year 5 and 6’s. We focused on our attacking and defending awareness skills. We as a team came to conclusion that while attacking with the ball we must also be mindful about defending our goal from other players. This meant tracking back. It was amazing seeing everyone’s light shine during this session.
During our Environment club, we identified as a team that the runner beans needed something for them to grow up. After a short discussion we decided as a team to focus some of our time to make a bamboo structure for the runner beans to grow up.
We spent the second half of the session introducing a brand new piece of gardening equipment called a sieve. We discussed what we felt it could be used and how we can use it. The children really enjoyed using it!
It was amazing seeing everyone’s light shine while learning new skills and enhancing their knowledge.
It was great to welcome back year 5 and 6 after school football club. We focused on putting what we have been practicing all year into mini game situations before coming together for one large game at the end. Everyone has shown massive improvement over such a short period of time. It was great seeing everyone’s light shine.
During the Environment club this week we had an amazing time planting the vegetable seeds we identified and agreed needed to go into pots ready to germinate before being planted into our allotment.
What a fantastic session we had tonight at club! The amazing builders from Newby Leisure, who have been busy making our school look amazing, challenged the children from football club to a game! This amazing opportunity was enjoyed by all .... as well as being a whole lot of fun!!
A massive thank you to the whole of Newby Leisure Ltd and ... can’t wait for the rematch!
Today, the whole school celebrated Red Nose Day and completed many activities throughout the afternoon.
In Prophets class, we completed 5 missions to defeat an evil mastermind and take back the laughter that he had stolen.
We did some dancing, singing, laser-beam dodging, drawing and moving!!!
Please see some of those activities below.
During club today, we explored the allotment and surrounding environment around school to identify what we could do to maintain and look after our school. We really enjoyed preparing the vegetable beds and started to fill up flower trays to place on the outside of the allotment fence to hopefully brighten it up.
During this session we focused on some of our dribbling, shooting, positioning and movement when we don't have the ball in a game situation. We all had a discussion on what we felt was the best position to stand in when we don't have the ball to increase our chances of winning the ball back and not letting the other team score.
To kick-start our learning about ‘Frozen Kingdoms’ we completed multiple activities linked to the Arctic circle, Antarctica or ice.
- Making ice cream using salt, ice, and a couple of zip-lock bags. The salt helped to reduce the freezing temperature of the liquid!
- We created tin foil boats and measured the weight of objects that would ‘sink the ship’
- To test the difference between fresh water and seawater, we created ‘icebergs’ to test which one would melt quicker.
- Finally, we produced Aurora ‘Northern Lights’ artwork using a variety of art materials!
In Year 5 and 6, we spent an amazing arts and craft afternoon creating a variety of Christmas cards and decorations to take home for celebrating with families at Christmas. We also created some brilliant bespoke baubles to take to the Christmas Tree festival at St Nicholas Church.
Even virtually, Year 5 and 6 had a fantastic Christingle service with St Nicholas church, learning all about the meaning behind the Christingle. Our children were able to identify and talk about the link between our school ethos of 'letting your light shine' and the meaning behind the lighting of the Christingle candle.
This term we are taking part in Elite Sport's Tri Golf League where we take part in Remote fixtures against other schools. There are two rounds per fixture, putting and chipping, and we work as a team to try and score as many points as possible. It is a really fun way to learn new skills and improve our team work and co-ordination skills.
Hola Mexico Wow Day
To kick off our Hola Mexico topic, which focuses on the traditions of Mexico, Year 5 and 6 planned and created 3-D sugar skull masks ready to use at our end of term memorable experience - The Day of the Dead Festival
This week was the conclusion of the Archery League. We went unbeaten in the league and qualified for the final! During the final we scored an impressive 92 points which helped us to finish in 2nd place overall!
Today we took part in an Orienteering day with Boston School Sports Partnership at Witham Country Park. We developed our map reading and team work skills whilst searching for clues and hidden check points. We were trying to do it as fast as possible as we competed against each other and other schools that are taking part on different days.
Years 5 and 6 were amazing and represented St Nicholas C.E. Primary brilliantly, shining their light all day!
This week we harvested some runner beand and we were learning about how to plant bulbs for flowers.
During football club this week we were focusing on Attackers v Defenders and the vest ways for attackers to beat the defenders.
This week in Gardening Club we were harvesting the potatoes and weeding the beds.
This week was round 2 of the Elite Sports Archery League. After our win against Old Leake last week, we were competing against Butterwick this week.
After-School Gardening Club
During Gardening Club we are growing different things and taking care of the school allotment. We are learning about the different things that we are growing, how to care for them and help them to grow and how to harvest them.
We are really lucky to be able to take part in Athletics every week with coaches from Elite Sports. It is enjoyable and we learn lots of new skills. This week we started to learn about the correct throwing technique. We also took part in the Bleep Test to get a baseline of our fitness levels to see if we can improve these whilst doing Athletics this term.
This term we are taking part in Round 1 of Elite Sports Inter-School tournament. Round 1 is Archery and our first fixture was against Old Leake Primary.
Every week we are able to take part in football training where we focus on teamwork, improving our skills and knowledge of the game of football.