
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy

Church school values

Summer term

Our value this term is RESPONSIBILITY

We are going to be thinking about what it means to be responsible.

What are we responsible for?

How do we show responsibility in school?

How do we show responsibility at home?


What does responsibility mean to you?

Spring term 2

Our collective worship value for this term is Justice. We are going to be thinking about what justice means to us in school.

It may be; showing respect all people, even if they are different from you. Helping others if they are being treated unfairly. Thinking about what is best for everyone instead of just what is best for you. Obeying and playing by the rules at all times. Including others in your activities and not ignoring people. Being honest and fair in all that you do. These are all very important to us at St Nicholas. 

What does Justice mean to you?

Spring term 1

Our collective worship value for this term is forgiveness. Throughout this term, we will be exploring what forgiveness really means to Christians and how forgiveness can create peace and harmony, both at school, in our community and around the world.


Have you ever done something you have needed to ask forgiveness for?

Can you forgive others that are truly sorry for what they have done?

Autumn term 2 PEACE

The school value which we are focusing on this term is Peace. We will be looking at peace as more than not fighting and more than just quiet. Throughout this term we will be looking at what peace really means in Christianity and to different people from around the world. 


We will see that peace is much more than just a word and is a concept both adults and children are given rich opportunities to develop throughout their time at St Nicholas. 



Autumn 1 FAMILY



Our school collective worship value this term is family.


This term we will be looking at what family means to different people and how families support and care for each other. We will explore different types of families, including biological and inherited families, as well as our school family, and discuss how we can create a supportive environment which is needed for all children to grow and flourish.

