This week our maths is a consolidation week. We will be practicing some of the mental maths we learnt during remote learning.
Today we are going to practice our number bonds to 10.
Today we continue to practice our number bonds. In year 1 we try to learn the ways to make 10 and instantly recall them!
Task: using your pack of playing cards that were in your Christmas gift from school play this game!
How to play Make Ten:
- Remove the face cards from a deck of playing cards and place the deck, face down on the table.
- Each player chooses 5 cards and places the cards in front of him.
- The first player uses the 5 cards to create as many equations as he can in which the sum equals ten. For example, If I have 9, 9, 3, 2, 4, I could make the following equations: 3+ 7 = 10, 6+4 = 10 or more challenging : 9+4-3=10 and 9+3-2=10.
- After making as many equations as possible, player sets aside the used cards and play passes to the next player.
- Play continues with players refilling their hands to 5 cards at the start of each turn.
- Whoever uses the most cards by the end of the deck wins.