
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy

Online Safety

The digital world that our children are growing up in is amazing!  They are, even as 5 year old children, often accessing technology multiple times on a daily basis.  We want the children in our school family to be competent, confident users of the different technologies available to them and to promote this, all children at our school will have a discrete computing lesson each week with Mrs Basker.  


However, we also know that now, more than ever, the dangers of using the internet can be hidden so well that it can be incredibly hard to spot them.  Below is a link to our esafety page and we would encourage all families to read and share this, at an age appropriate level with their children.  As part of the computing curriculum internet safety will also be regularly explored.



If you would like to read more about how computing is taught in school, please click the link below.