
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy



Today we will be enjoying one of our reading spine stories....Cops and Robbers by Janet and Alan Ahlberg!

'Cops and Robbers' story by Janet & Allan Ahlberg. Narrated by Melody Pugh

If you enjoyed the story you might like to listen to another story by the same author!  Mrs Smith recommends one of her favourites....Burglar Bill!  You can listen to it below!

Burglar Bill - Books Alive!


Our story this week in both our reading lessons and our writing lessons is Goldilocks and the three bears.  Read the story below together.  Try to join in with the reading!


Today we are going to think about how the characters we can see in the pictures above and try to use our inference skills to work out how how they are feeling and why.


Look at the picture of Goldilocks.  How do you think she is thinking and feeling?  Why?  Whats do you think about her behaviour?


Look at the picture of Daddy Bear.  How do you think he is feeling?  Why?


Try to use the word because to explain why you think the character is feeling that way.


Read the story of Goldilocks below and see if you can answer the questions about the story.  You do not have to write the answers, you could talk about your answers with a grown-up at home!


Today we are going to think about the end of the story. First, read the story together and then think about the end of the story.  What happened?  Now I would like you to think about what could've happened next!  What do you think Goldilocks did once she was chased from the cottage?  Do you think she ran home or did she get up to some other mischief?!


Draw a picture to show what you think happened next and write a sentence to tell me what you think would happen!


Well I wonder if you predicted that Goldilocks would run home to her Mum and tell her what had happened?  Goldilocks' Mum was very cross with her when she found out what she had been up to....can you think why?   


Goldilocks' Mum wants Goldilocks write a letter to the bears to say sorry.  Can you help her write her letter?  What do you think she needs to say to the bears?


We can't wait to see your letters.
