
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy


Young Muslim girl Sara, aged 11, gives a brief guide to her religion of Islam by describing the 5 Pillars of Islam. She emphasises the ways in which Islam is not just about doing duties, but also about your inner life: ‘It’s important that you really believe what you say.’ She describes how, aged 11, she is getting ready to complete the 5 Pillars properly when she is a bit older. Sometimes she does the early morning prayer. Giving money to those less fortunate is important to her as a way of being generous. Ramadan, the month of fasting, is a chance to be a bit more spiritual than usual. Pilgrimage to Makkah is an ambition for her in the future. Sara explains how calling these ritual duties ‘Pillars’ works as a metaphor for her: they help her to be a good, strong Muslim. They make her stronger in her faith.

Community has been an integral aspect of Muslim life and culture from the onset of Islam. They believe that they belong to one community of Muslims worldwide and that all Muslims should work together in harmony in order to follow the right path. 




Powerpoint - Our Community

Activity - Think about your community and why it is special to you.
