
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy


In this history project, children learn abstract terms, including 'allies', 'civilian', 'genocide', 'persecution' and 'surrender. They create a chronological timeline of Britain at war and use research to create an overview of significant conflicts. Children are introduced to the long term and short term causes of the First World War. They learn how the declaration of war affected ordinary people, including the millions of men who volunteered to fight. Children learn about events at the beginning of the war in chronological order. They weigh up a range of primary evidence about life in the trenches and build an interpretation of the past from first-hand accounts, letters and photographs.


Children learn about the technological advances of the First World War. They build a detailed timeline of significant events during the conflict and answer questions using the organised information. Children evaluate the impact of the First World War on British citizens, using secondary and primary sources to answer an enquiry question. They discover the causes and consequences of the end of the First World War, learning about the turning points that led to Germany's defeat and the terms of the Treaty of Versailles.


They learn about the causes of the Second World War, making connections and drawing contrasts between both conflicts. They revisit diamond ranking from previous history projects, organising the causes of the Second World War structure from most to least important. They explain their reasoning to others and consider different points of view. The children learn about the warring nations and use new vocabulary, including Axis Powers, Allied Powers, Grand Alliance, fascist, communist, neutral and pact.


Children evaluate the impact of the declaration of war on ordinary people. They articulate a clear, chronological narrative of events at the beginning of the Second World War and learn how significant technological developments made it a unique conflict. They learn the term 'turning point' as they study the Battle of Britain. They evaluate the impact of the Second World War on British civilians using online sources, including first-hand accounts. They assess evidence, identify bias and viewpoints and verify information using further evidence and sources.


Children are taught about the impact of the war in Europe and learn the term 'anti-Semitism'. They study Anne Frank and her family, discovering how the Nazi regime affected all aspects of their lives. Children explore the actions of world leaders during the war and find out about the causes and consequences of their decisions, including the significant events that ended the Second World War. Children learn about the impact of war on people in the local area and understand the concept of remembrance. At the end of the project, children learn about the post-war world and link changes and developments back to the world wars.

Alliance          Appeasement            Colony           Conscription           Imperialist             Genocide


Militarism         Reparation          Stalemate   


History of WWI

World War Two
