
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy

School Clubs


Committed to ensuring that everyone can let their unique light shine and flourish to their full potential, here at St Nicholas CE Primary Academy we have a brilliant offering of lunchtime and after-school clubs!

During every lunchtime we have two clubs being run for different year groups in our school! Both daily lunchtime clubs are open to everyone who wishes to get involved and have fun whilst also being active.


One club is run by coaches from Elite Sports Academy. These clubs are a mixture of fun, active games and inter-school competitions in a range of sports including: football, basketball and hockey. It is brilliant to be able to offer a wide range of active clubs lead by qualified coaches ... all of the children that take part absolutely love the clubs!



Another club is run by Mr Rowlatt and is focused on teaching the children new games that they are then able to play independently during playtimes and lunchtimes. Some of the games that we have played include: grid tag, family tag, stuck in the mud and 4-square. 


One day each week Mr Rowlatt, along with the Year 5s and 6s, set everyone a sporting challenge! These challenges only use the equipment that the whole school received as part of their Christmas gift bags so that everyone can get involved! They also have different levels of challenge depending on confidence and skill level; we love to see the children challenging themselves to #Shine and achieve more! 




Anyone that wishes to get involved in any of the Lunchtime Clubs is welcome to join in.

They take place on the days shown below and all you need to do ... is be there!

Sports Award Winners


Every week there is a sports award winner that is chosen from the Lunchtime Clubs. The award is given to someone who has shown great teamwork skills, determination, enthusiasm and sportsmanship whilst taking part in the club.


In other words, it's awarded to the sportsperson who has been letting their light shine most brightly.


Have a look at the amazing previous winners below!

We have a wide variety of after-school clubs on offer.


Our clubs are run by members of staff and professional coaches from Elite Sports Academy and Discovery Sports. The offering changes each term depending on what the children are interested in. 


Within our After School Club offering, we have a wide range of sporty, crafty, STEM and engaging clubs that are in-line with what the children feel passionate about and enjoy.


We believe that every child deserves the chance to further develop their interests and experience new activities that broaden their horizons and enable them to #Shine.


Our current After School Clubs are:



Day of Week







Mr Rowlatt

3 & 4



Ball Skills

Elite Sports

1 & 2




Mr Rowlatt

3 & 4 & 5




Mr Rowlatt

4 & 5 & 6



Multi Sports

Discovery Sports

4 & 5 & 6




Miss Hallam

Invites Only




Mr Rowlatt

1 & 2


After School Clubs are open for everyone to sign up for and join in with! 


If you would like to join any of the After School Clubs all you need to do is fill in the sign-up sheet which is sent out every term. This letter can also be found in the letters section of the website here:

Letters from THIS YEAR

Have a look at our Entitlement and Enrichment photos to see what children get up to at clubs. Just click this link: 

Entitlement & Enrichment
