
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy


Addition and Subtraction

We will be recapping adding and subtracting two three digit numbers using concrete representations (base 10), before moving on to learn how to add and subtract when exchanging is needed.  We will use the formal written method of column addition and subtraction so we will need to use our good understanding of place value.  We will also look at estimating answers and using this knowledge to help us work out if our calculations are likely to be correct or not.


Addition, plus, thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, compare, larger, column, digit, equal to

Subtraction, subtract, take away, minus, exchange



Measurement: Length and Perimeter

Learning how to measure and calculate in mm, cm and km will be the focus of this unit.  Once we have worked on using these we will move onto calculating perimeters, finding the perimeter of rectangles and also rectilinear shapes.  Our addition and subtraction skills from the previous unit will support us in our work. 


Measure, length, perimeter, sides, edges, multiply, add, centimetres, metres, millimetres.



Multiplication and Division

During this unit we will practice multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100.  After that we will be looking at the 6,7 and 9 times tables with their related division facts. It will be really important for the children to use TTrockstars and to practice these times tables at home!


Multiply, divide, share, equal groups, lots of, place value, decimal point, bigger, smaller.


6 Times Table Song (Learning is Fun The Todd & Ziggy Way!)

7 Times Table Song (Learning is Fun The Todd & Ziggy Way!)

9 Times Table Song (Learning is Fun The Todd & Ziggy Way!)
