
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy

Noah's Ark Class (EYFS)


Please wait to be contacted by school about any proposed changes to this.

Tapestry download instructional video

Home Learning


From the 1st June our Home Learning will be from The Oak National Academy. To ensure that all learners are starting from the same point please start from Week 1, which will be dated 20th April. To access click on the link below.

Wb 01/06 - see Oak National Academy Week 1 - 20.04.20

Wb 08/06 - see Oak National Academy Week 2 - 27.04.20

Wb 15/06 - see Oak National Academy Week 3 - 04.05.20

Wb 22/06 - see Oak National Academy Week 4 - 11.05.20

Wb 29/06 - see Oak National Academy Week 5 - 18.05.20

Wb 06/07 - see Oak National Academy Week 6 - 01.06.20

Wb 13/07 - see Oak National Academy Week 7 - 08.06.20


For further Home Learning for specific subjects scroll down to the 'Home Learning' section for useful links and activities.


Check the Video Resource Centre for new weekly videos from Mrs Tory.


Our Reception class follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. Below is a guidance document for parents to access for information about expectations of learning. This is a useful document to guide parents when choosing activities from Bitesize, Twinkl and other links on the Home Learning section below.

What to expect when EYFS

Competition Time!

Take a look at Father John's video in the resource centre to find out more information about this exciting competition!

Home Learning and Weekly Suggested Activity Pack


Following recent events I have set up a 'Home Learning' page that the children of Noah's Ark can access whilst not in school. There has also been added a 'Weekly Suggested Activity Pack', which is a weeks plan of suggestions tasks along with resources should children wish to complete them.

Although we have moved onto Oak National Academy (scroll up), there are still great resources in the Home Learning section to explore and you may want to revisit activities you enjoyed or didn't get chance to do in the Weekly Suggested Packs.

I hope you enjoy the range of activities on offer to you all and remember to keep in touch with news of what you have been busy doing. Join Twitter and post onto the @BostonStNic and @StNNoahsArk to share. I look forward to hearing from you, use the contact details below - Mrs Tory and Mrs Clarke

Please email using the details below if you would like to contact me with any questions you might have. I will be checking between the hours of 3-4pm. Join St Nicholas on Twitter to keep in contact and share what you have been busy doing on @BostonStNic

Contact Mrs Tory

Welcome to Noah's Ark class page.



 Here you can find out about what we are learning, our daily routines, important events and see what Early Years is all about!


Here at St. Nicholas, the staff and children are really proud of our Early Years Foundation Stage and love coming to school to learn. We hope you enjoy finding out about our EYFS department as well as sharing  our learning through this page.


Remember to keep an eye on our Twitter page for daily updates!      @StNNoahsArk
