
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy



Retell the story of the Enormous Turnip. Can you retell it with enthusiasm? Today we are looking at the reading skill of predicting. Predicting is where we say what we think might happen from what we have already read. I would like you to predict what could happen next after the old man and his friends have pulled out the turnip. You can either draw or write what will happen next. For example, I think that the old man and his friends will go inside and make something delicious from the turnip. They might even pack it in a basket and take it for a picnic. What do you think?



Have a go at retelling the story of the Enormous Turnip. This time, can you act out the story? Could you pretend a cushion is the turnip and you are trying to pull it out of the ground? Could you put on different voices for each character? 




Here is a link to a non-fiction book. Can you remember what a non-fiction book is? What features does a non-fiction book have? Have a listen to this non-fiction book being read. What have you learned from it? Try and remember 5 facts from the book. Write them down or draw them and tell someone in your house what you have learned. 




Watch the video from yesterday. Have ago at writing any more facts down that you have learned. Could you teach a grown up at home all about space. You could even give them a little quiz at the end to see how much your grown up has learned. 



Find your favourite story either a book you have at home or one online. Have a go at reading the story with expression. Are there any characters where you can put on a different voice? Have a go at retelling the story. Are you going to change any parts to make it your own?
