During this term our Cornerstones topic is Blue Abyss. We will be learning all about the world's oceans and seas, what pollution is and how we can help, oceanography, environmental issues related to oceans and The Great Barrier Reef.
We will be starting our topic off with our WOW Day where we will be researching ocean animals, sketching them and creating sculptures out of clay.
During the topic we will also be going on a walk to the local river to explore and identify any evidence we can find of pollution.
This week we learnt all about pollution. We looked at what pollution is and how it effects the wildlife and surrounding.
After we had learnt about pollution, we went on a walk along the river to see if we could see any pollution. We discussed how the pollution could have got there and what impact it could have on the wildlife in and around the river.
Today we kicked off our new topic with our Wow Event.
During the event we researched sea creatures that life in the Great Barrier Reef and then sketched and coloured our favourite ones. We also used clay to create a sculpture of the creatures and created a fact file all about them.