Collective Worship at St Nicholas CE Primary Academy
‘Collective Worship’ is a time when our whole school family, or class families, meet together to engage in relevant, meaningful experiences, providing opportunities for the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
At St Nicholas CE Primary Academy, collective worship is set within a range of different contexts which may include other features besides those required of collective worship.
Aims and Purpose
During collective worship we aim to:
Organisation of Collective Worship
Collective worship involves members of the school coming together as a family and participating in a guided reflection each day. Collective Worship may involve all of the pupils in the school, separate key stages or individual classes. The time of the worship may vary.
During the whole school Collective Worship staff are encouraged to stay with the children in order to promote a sense of community, unity and family. In each daily act of worship, there will be a short time given to reflect on the stimulus. To focus attention a candle might be lit, a picture or image displayed, a poem read, a song used or a story brought to life by actors.
Reading a prayer can be appropriate as long as the integrity of all those present is respected.
Prayer may be part of the period of reflection and stillness with children invited to participate in prayer if they wish.
The following phrases may be used: ‘Now, a time of stillness and quiet, a chance to think or pray for a moment.’
Every effort is made to show sensitivity towards personal faiths and to include all pupils and staff in collective worship. For example when using a prayer from a particular faith, this will be introduced with sensitivity and pupils will not be required to say or affirm prayers which they do not believe.
A prayer may be introduced like this: I am going to read a Christian (Hindu, Buddhist........) prayer. I would like you to think carefully about the words. Some of you might wish to make the words your own (Christians might do this by saying ‘Amen’).
Singing and Choral Praise
The act of singing can be a very positive opportunity for celebration, reflection and spiritual development. The selection of songs will respect the integrity of those present and will allow engagement on a physical level.
In order to comply with the law, Choral Praise will include an opportunity for pupils to reflect on some of the words they are singing and to respond through a moment of quietness or prayer in an atmosphere that is one of reverence.
Collective Worship Weekly Timetable
Monday: Whole School Choral Praise
Tuesday: Whole School - Picture News
Wednesday: Class Worship - Picture News personalised
Thursday: Community leader
Friday: Shine Time!
The content of Collective Worship may reflect any of the following:
Classroom Collective Worship
Classroom collective worship is valuable because:
Celebrating Achievements
Shine Time is used to reflect the achievements and learning of the children and wider school family, including members of staff. We encourage participation in a range of ways, eg: by showing their examples of their learning and sharing successes with others, sharing medals/ certificates, doing demonstrations etc. Shine Time provides an opportunity to reward children for their achievements both in and out of school and celebrate them together. It also plays an important part in promoting the ethos of the school, that everyone has a light and they should ... let that light "Shine"!.
If announcements are to be given at the same time as an act of worship then they will be of a positive nature, which at times may enhance the act of worship itself. Announcements will be made at the end of the act of worship after a clearly defined break; a change of personnel, music, a moment of silence, the candle being distinguished etc.
Right of Withdrawal from Collective Worship
Parents retain the right to withdraw their children from parts or all acts of collective worship. Any pupil who is withdrawn from an act or acts of Collective Worship will be supervised during that time by a member of the school staff.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact us.