
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy


This term we are writing to inform the reader.

We will be focusing on writing recounts in different forms- diaries, biographies and newspaper reports.


Below is an example of a diary ...



Diary Checklist

Did they…

  • include the date and/or time?
  • use the words ‘I’, ‘my’, ‘we’ and ‘our’?
  • write as if they were there?
  • talk about where events happened?
  • write about the most important events in order?
  • describe their feelings?
  • use time linking words, e.g. next, first, then?

We had an amazing WOW DAY linked to our topic BEAT, BANG BOOGIE!We then wrote about our experiences in the format of a diary!

We read the story of Chatterbox Ben as a class , which had some examples of diary writing in. We looked at different sentence types and tried to write an example of a statement, question , commands and exclamation mark sentences linked to the story!


What is a biography?

A biography is a non-fictional literary genre that provides a detailed description of events over the course of a person's life. It's not written by the subject of the book, but by an author who has done lots of research and knows a great deal about the person in question. An autobiography, on the other hand, is written by the person themselves.

A biography can include information about when and where the subject was born, their childhood and important events in their lives. Biographies can include information about what a person did or achieved, as well as their experience of the event in question.

In this sense, a biography includes more than basic facts about a person, such as work, education and relationships. If the person is no longer alive, a biography may also include information about when and how they died. 

Our Biographies!


This is an example text that  includes the key features of a KS1 news report.

This fun newspaper report includes some key features that KS1 children could include in a news report.

Newspaper reports can be a great way to engage children in writing recounts and writing for different purposes.



How do you write a newspaper report?


  • A newspaper report should include a headline that grabs attention.
  • It may include alliteration or a pun to engage the reader.
  • The news report should include key facts about what happened, without the writer giving their opinion on the events.
  • The article could include quotes from witnesses about their experience.
  • The report should explain the events in order and can use time words and phrases to make the sequence of events clear.
  • Newspaper reports often include a photo and a caption.

Our Newspaper Learning!
