
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy

Year 6: Prophets

Snozone Trip - Frozen Kingdom

Year 5 and 6 Indoor Athletes Competition 

20 pupils from St Nicholas CE Primary Academy School took part in an afternoon competition of Indoor Athletes hosted and run by Boston Sport Partnership. Everyone had the opportunity to use the skills they had learnt from PE lessons and lunchtime clubs. Everyone tried really hard and had a lot of fun competing against other schools. It was amazing to see everyone letting their light shine!

Boston United Football Tournament 


A group of year 5 and 6 pupils took part in a large schools football tournament held at Boston United Football Stadium.

We started off with a tour around the new football stadium, we were given opportunities to see behind the scenes of how a football club operates as well as everything semi professional footballer’s have to do each day.


We finished off the day playing some matches. This was the first time this group have played together as a football team.

Everyone played their socks off and all had a great time letting their light shine!

Year 6 met Pudsey Bear today to find out all about Children in Need and how they can support the charity give opportunities to children and young adults all over the world.



Year 3 and 6 worked together during Boston Book Festival to share their favourite stories with each other and help to encourage each other to love reading.

Year 5 joined Year 6 attending the Careers carousel which was organised by Positive Footprints ,both classes were able to access information about a wide variety of careers ranging from Pharmacists to attending higher education and STEM careers

Year 5 and 6 Girls Dynamos Primary Cricket Tournament with Boston Sport Partnership.

Curling at the Peter Paine Sports Hall with Boston Sport Partnership.

Just before Easter, a group of children took part in a new sport called indoor curling. This was an exciting opportunity to learn a new sport, rules and skills. We started off playing some friendlies against other schools before playing in a tournament. Our team won 2, drew 2 and lost 1. Everyone had a great time letting their light shine!

Boston College hosted a 'Supporting Climate Action ' aspiration event and 8 year 6 students were lucky enough to attend along with other schools across Boston. They experienced what a career in Electricals, Plumbing and Hydrogen power looked like. Lots of different energy sources and technology were shared with our children who have lots of aspirations for when they are older ! Apparently Wizadora is going to be converted to run on Hydrogen power!

Boston Sport Partnership Boccia competition.

A group of pupils from year 4, 5 and 6 was selected to take part in a schools competition at Peter Paine Sports Hall against other schools in the Boston area playing Boccia. We learnt that Boccia is a very popular sport in the Paralympics, especially in the London 2012 Paralympics. We learnt the rules, how to play it and played some matches against other schools. The pupils really enjoyed letting their light shine as well as being sporting role modules for our school.

Year 5 and 6 Change 4 Life Festival

Some of the pupils took part in a very exciting opportunity where they experienced lots of mini games with a whole range of sporting activities. Everyone who took part was able to learn or develop new skills such as teamwork, resilience, communication and leadership. The pupils were very keen to teach their friends at school during lunch times with the playground leaders. 


Tag Rugby developmental day and large schools tournament.

We attended a Tag Rugby event at Boston Town Rugby club with Boston Sport Partnership. We started off learning the rules and how to play Tag Rugby. Once we had been around all of the activity stations we were then able to apply what we had learnt in a knockout tournament competition. The children played their first ever competitive game against Tower Road and Carlton Road where we won 6-1 and 6-0. In the final we played Swineshead where the score ended 2-2 meaning St Nicholas CE Primary were joint winners of the large schools competition!


Everyone has had a great time letting their light shine!

BBC Radio Lincolnshire Christmas Show


Year 6 representatives were invited to perform some of their favourite Christmas poems at the BBC Radio Lincolnshire Christmas Show. They performed alongside the Royal Air Force College Band and were even interviewed live on the radio. The audience and radio were incredibly impressed with how well they conducted themselves and performed live on stage, so much so that the Mayor, who was in the audience, asked if she could come and visit the school that had produced some shiny children.

BBC Radio Lincolnshire Christmas Show

Lincoln Odeon Cinema trip to see Where is Anne Frank?

Infinity Cup Champions!

On Saturday 12th November the St Nicholas school football team took part in an Infinity Academies Trust-wide football tournament where 6 teams took part. Each team played each other before the 1st and 2nd place team played the final. 


Our team won 4 and only lost 1 game, with a last minute penalty scored against St Nicholas. The players showed all of our school values (Love, Hope, Unity, Curiosity and Integrity) not just on the pitch but also off the pitch as well and towards all of the other participants too.


The team was supported by a great turn out of parents and staff who all cheered on the team. After finishing second in the league St Nicholas was up against a very strong and unbeaten Pinchbeck school.


St Nicholas scored early on, while defending strongly for the majority of the game, we conceded a last minute goal. This meant there was extra time to play!


After extra time and the score still being 1-1 it was time for the dreaded penalty shootout!


After the 5 penalties were taken the game was still tied at 3-3 on penalties. It was time for sudden death shootout!! St Nicholas scored their first penalty and Pinchbeck missed theirs which meant St Nicholas Primary Academy, for the first time, were winners of the Infinity Cup!


Everyone throughout the tournament shone their lights and made the school, parents and staff very proud!


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Home cooked pasta sources. We really enjoyed smelling and tasting the herbs.

Large schools football tournament at Boston United.

Our school football team had the opportunity to attend a football tournament for all of the large primary schools in the area at Boston United new stadium. We started off the day with an amazing tour around the stadium where we got to see what everything looks like behind the scenes at the club. Afterwards, we took part in the tournament where we won 3 game (2-0, 6-0 and 2-0) while only losing 2 games. Everyone showed unity and love throughout by working together and supporting each other. It was amazing to see everyone letting their light shine!

Visit to StNicholas Church

Girls football development day at Boston United Football Stadium.


The girls from year 5 and 6 had the opportunity to take part in a brand new initiative organised by Boston School Sport Partnership and hosted by Boston United at their brand new stadium to promote football and sports for girls. During the day, we took part in football type activities including ultimate frisbee, crazy catch and an exclusive tour around the new stadium. During the tour, everyone had the opportunity to meet the local FA Barclays Games Changer and asked her lots of questions about sports. This was an amazing way to promote positive aspects of physical activities for girls and giving them better opportunities to let their light shine in PE and sports.

Domestic Abuse Workshop

Tag Rugby developmental day and large schools tournament.

We attended a Tag Rugby event at Boston Town Rugby club with Boston Sport Partnership. We started off learning the rules and how to play Tag Rugby. Once we had been around all of the activity stations we were then able to apply what we had learnt in a knockout tournament competition. The children played their first ever competitive game against Tower Road and Carlton Road where we won 6-1 and 6-0. In the final we played Swineshead where the score ended 2-2 meaning St Nicholas CE Primary were joint winners of the large schools competition!


Everyone has had a great time letting their light shine!

Year 6 ran an election, where the whole school voted for their class representative, for the Little FISH council.

We had a Domestic Abuse Workshop.
