
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy




This term, we will be learning about special people in religion and within religious communities. We will learn about people who have special jobs within their community and what sort of jobs they do.




We started off by thinking about people who are special to us.  These are the people we thought about:


Mum           Dad              Nanny            Grandad            Grandma               Auntie              Brother            Sister         Teacher


We drew pictures of our special person and said a sentence about them.

To continue our learning about special people, we discussed how people who are special to us make us feel. We decided that special people make us feel good about ourselves. We talked about sort of things that our special people do to make us feel good. Here are our ideas.
We welcomed Tammy from Restore Church into our class. She talked to us about the special job that she does and the things she does to help people. Tammy said that she uses the Bible to help her make good choices. She shared lots of special objects with us and talked about how they are used in her Church.

Our Value


This term our whole school value is 'Generosity'. We read the story 'Jesus feeds the 5000' and talked about how Jesus was generous.


We are thinking about how we can be generous in school.
