
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy




Text messages, emails, websites, blogs and podcasts. There are so many ways to communicate. Learn how to set up a class blog and build a homepage on a subject of your choice. Suggest ways to improve your school website, and hopefully the headteacher will listen to your ideas. Discover the movers and shakers in the world of technology, the people who’ve shaped the modern world. Perhaps you might be a visionary for the next generation. Build robots and circuits, break codes and investigate gadgets galore. Why not write a thriller narrative in the style of Anthony Horowitz? Then, on request from MI99, build a website for a new Spy School. What pages will it need? One for gadgets? A secret lunch menu? You decide. Let’s start today on Tomorrow’s World.

Building a Periscope!
