
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy

Church School value of the term: Wisdom



Wow....that's a big word!  Have you ever heard it before?  I think we've read a story about a wise owl before and the word wise is like the word wisdom!  Can you remember what the word wise means?  I think we talked about the owl being very sensible and making good choices so the other animals trusted him.


In the dictionary it says:

Wisdom is the ability to know what is true or right, common sense or the collection of one's knowledge.


I think some of you are very wise at times already.  When I see you working hard even when things are tricky you keep going because you know it will help you to get better or when you need to tell the truth about something that maybe you'd rather not!  When you do these things you are showing wisdom.  

Watch the story below.  Can you spot who is showing wisdom?

The Story of King Solomon I Animated Bible Story For Children | HolyTales Bible Stories
