
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy


Writing to Entertain

This term we will continue to write to entertain others. We will develop our skills in writing both in the first and third person to write our own stories. 


Key Vocabulary

apostrophe  contraction  statement  question  command  exclamation


Stories from different cultures 

We will start the term by looking at stories that are from different cultures and set from around the world. We will discussing the meanings behind the stories and learning lots of new vocabulary 

Amazing Grace

Grace loves to act out stories. Sometimes she plays the leading part, sometimes she is 'a cast of thousands.' When her school decides to perform Peter Pan , Grace is longing to play Peter, but her classmates say that Peter was a boy, and besides, he wasn't black... But Grace's Ma and Nana tell her she can be anything she wants if she puts her mind to it...

Key Vocabulary

audition adventure exploring sparkling success trudged 


Amazing Grace

Mary Hoffman's 1991 picture book Amazing Grace tells the story of Grace, who loves stories and especially loves acting them out. Filled with imagination and dramatic flair, Grace decides that she will play the part of Peter Pan when her teacher tells the class that they are going to perform the play.

Our Narrative learning - writing in the first person


In year 2, we learning about writing about what we have been up to! This term we will recount experiences with Asda Steve which will be linked to our Science topic this term of plants. 

Key Vocabulary

time connectives;  first  then  next  after  later  finally 

root shoot stem leaf flower 


How to write recounts with Michael Rosen | English - Facts about Non-Fiction

Suitable for 5-14s.Author Michael Rosen gives his top tips on how to write an engaging recount. From a series of BBC clips teaching key writing skills.

Lost and Found - Visual Literacy  

There once was a boy and one day a penguin arrives on his doorstep. The boy decides the penguin must be lost and tries to return him. But no one seems to be missing a penguin. So the boy decides to take the penguin home himself, and they set out in his row boat on a journey to the South Pole.

But when they get there, the boy discovers that maybe home wasn’t what the penguin was looking for after all.

We will be using a video of the story as a stimulus for the start of our writing this term. We will be looking at how the different characters feel throughout the story and how our opinions change when we find out more information. We will think about the conversations the characters may have had between them at different stages throughout the story. We will write character and setting descriptions, design lost posters, write lists and explore new vocabulary in order for us to retell the story and adapt it to write our own version. 

Lost and Found 2013 Movie

Trailer for the Lost and Found movie.
