Christingle service
The children made their Christingles to hold during Collective Worship with Father John at St Nicholas church. They then learned what the different parts represented as we joined together to celebrate.
Special People
This term our RE topic is 'Special People'. We will be thinking about the people who are special to us in our lives and why they are special.
What do these people do to make us feel special?
How do these people treat us and how do we treat them?
We will also be learning about people who are special within religious communities and looking at stories from the Bible to how how Christians believe Jesus was special.
Tuesday 24th November
To know how people who are special to us make us feel.
Tuesday 17th November
LO: To know that Jesus is a special person to Christians.
To talk about someone special to me.
Today, we talked about why Jesus is a special person to Christians. We recapped the story of ‘Boy Jesus in the Temple’ and talked about how Jesus had felt when he was in the house of God. We discussed how Christians believe that Jesus behaved in the way that God would have wanted us all to so this is why he is special. When we talk about shining our lights, we talk about shining our lights as Jesus would have done.
We then discussed special people in our own lives. We thought about people who might be special to us and said why they were special. We had lots of different ideas. During group learning, we drew a picture of our special person and told an adult why they are special.
Tuesday 10th November
LO: To understand the meaning of the value ‘Peace’.
To consider how we can show peace in our lives.
We talked about our school value ‘Peace’ and reminded ourselves of the doves that we created during collective worship the previous week. We talked about how we can show peace in our classroom by being kind, thoughtful and treating others like we would like to be treated.
We thought about how we can shine our light like Jesus did by bringing peace to our classroom.
“I will share the toys.”
“I will help my friend with his coat.”
“I be kind.”
During independent learning, we created a candle and said how we will bring peace into our class to shine our light. Then we cut out the candles independently. We displayed our candles in the cloakroom to remind us how we will show peace.
Tuesday 3rd November
Remembrance Sunday
We started off our learning by considering how soldiers are special to link in with Remembrance Sunday. We watched the video 'Poppies'. This is a child friendly animation that we used to start our conversation. The children were fantastic and recognised how the music changed to show the mood. They could see the 'rabbit was scared' when the sky went black and 'he hid under the helmet because he was scared'.Take a look at the video here. Poppies
We then looked at a Powerpoint about our soldiers and what they did. We discussed how brave they were fighting for our country. We also thought about soldiers today and looked at a photo of Mr Basker in his uniform. The children identified the poppies that we wear today to show our respect for them and we talked about how the poppies help us to remember them.
During independent learning, the children made poppies out of collage materials and talked about why we wear them. Keep an eye out on here and on Twitter to see where our poppies were displayed!