
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy



Vocabulary: Cochlea, Eardrum, Hertz, Medium, Ossicles, Particle, Pitch, Sound Waves, Vibrate


We will be learning how vibrations cause sounds and how sounds travel, as well as how sounds can change pitch and loudness. The children will learn about how sounds are made, carrying out demonstrations of vibrations, and completing a sound survey of their school. They will work in groups to create a human model of the way particles pass sound vibrations on, and write and star in their own documentary explaining how sound travels.

The children will investigate the most effective ways to muffle sound, using equipment including a sound meter and a range of materials. They will then use the results from their muffling sound investigation to identify effective materials to make noise-cancelling headphones and identify scenarios where muffling sound is important. 

In one of our lessons, we wanted to investigate who could scream the loudest in our class and whether a person's height/age had an impact on this. We had great fun screaming into our volume monitor app that read our decibels!
