This week we are writing our own version of LOST and FOUND. It is our published piece of writing for the term so we will be completing a little book. Each day we will write the next part of the story so by Friday we will all have an AMAZING piece of written work to share with family and friends! I can't wait to see and read your finished stories!
Success Criteria
Finger spaces
Correct punctuation
- capital letters, full stops, exclamation marks, questions,
Commas in noun phrases
Writing makes sense
In the correct order
To write the story as if you were the little boy.
To write in the first person .. (I opened the door and I saw a penguin)
Lost and Found By Oliver Jeffers
Listen to the story again and again and again.
Story Map - Practice re-telling the story out loud to someone in your family!
Monday - Write the beginning of the story.
Tuesday - Write about the problem in the story!
Wednesday - Write about how he tried to get the penguin back home.
Thursday - write about when the little boy drops off the penguin back at the South Pole. Think about describing the setting as you approach the South Pole and all the emotions and feelings that come with leaving the penguin behind.
Friday - Write the ending to the story. Write about the boy changing his mind and rushing back to try and find the penguin. Write about them finding each other and the happiness they felt.
WOW! You have written the whole story! Make sure you read it through to make sure it makes sense. Check you have capital letters and full stops! Have you used adjectives to describe the characters and the settings? Have you all the key parts of the story and not missed anything out?
Please send me in your finished story to Apostlesremote@infinityacademies.co.uk