
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy

Years 1 & 2

More paddling

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Gospels enjoying paddling

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Gospels thoroughly enjoyed visiting Skegness. We built sandcastles, buried our friends and paddled in the sea!

What an amazing day exploring the beach in Skegness! This was lots of the Children’s first visit to the beach and their faces were filled with awe and wonder especially when they saw the waves crashing against the shore!

Group 1 at the beach APOSTLES

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Splashing in the sea!

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Jumping waves

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Getting a little wet exploring the sea!

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Playing in the sand!

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Apostles had a lovely session in with Noah’s Ark where the children told us all about the ducklings 🐥 that had recently hatched: Chips, Cheese and Gravy!

Apostles had great time learning the basics of first aid with Christina! We had to learn our address off by heart so that we could tell the emergency services where will live. We learnt how important it is to sit, chop, chew our food whilst eating to limit the chances of choking!

Guitar Workshop Year 2! It was fascinating watching how hard they all tried to play together! What a wonderful opportunity!

Matt showed us how to play the guitar. We all got to have go!

Author visit to Apostles! We had a great session asking Sarah Siggs lots of questions about her life as an author and where she got her inspiration from!

Sarah Siggs, the author of Mud Boy visited St Nichs today and she shared 5 items that helped Sarah talk about herself. We then drew our own items in a basket to tell people about ourselves.

Paul Cookson visited Gospels and Apostles classes and he helped each classes write an amazing poem all about mini-beasts! What a great end to our mini-beast topic!

Year 2 had a ‘Friendship and Relationships’ talk led by Lincolnshire County Council.

Asda Steve came in to Apostles to help create an exciting start to our RE TOPIC this term about Salvation! We used our DT skills to make Easter Nests! We can’t wait to find out all about Easter!