
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy


Some ideas about 'Forgiveness' to explore at home

Our last Collective Worship, bringing together all that we have learnt this term about our theme of Forgiveness.

Forgive One Another

A really catchy little tune helping us all to remember the importance of being able to "forgive one another".

An animation story about GOD's Forgiveness

No wors but lots of images to think about .. what do you think the message in this video was?

God's Story: Zacchaeus

Zacchaeus was a tax collector who had no friends because he took people's money to make himself rich. Jesus showed him love and forgiveness which changed his life. When Zacchaeus realized that Jesus loved him even though he had messed up, he wanted to show that kind of love to others. Have you ever felt like this?

Superbook - The Prodigal Son

Forgiveness in families is sometimes hard ... but with God, it is always possible.
