Term 1: Hinduism
This term we will introduce some of the key beliefs in the monotheistic religion, Hinduism. We will explore what Hindus believe about Brahman and answer questions such as:
How are deities and key figures described in sacred texts and stories?
What might Hindus understand about the Divine?
Vocabulary Deities Brahman- ultimate reality Trimurti- Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva Lotus flower dharma- duty aum symbol monotheistic religion dharma atman samsara moksha Lakshmi- goddess of wealth Hanuman- monkey god, symbol of strength and energy Ganesh- god of beginnings
Term 2 - Islam
In term 2 we look closer at the Islam faith with some of our questions for enquiry being: What does the Qur’an say about how Muslims should treat others and live their lives? How can Muslim faith and beliefs be seen in inspirational Muslims? How do the main concepts in Islam reveal the truth about Allah? (religious and visual symbols in a mosque).
Vocabulary Khalifa Ahd Shariah Iman Ibadah Harmony Qur'an Mosque Masjid Five Pillars: Shahadah Salat Zakat Sawm Hajj |