
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy

Independent Learning

During Independent Time you can choose your own learning. You may want to build a house for one of the 3 little pigs using Lego or draw a mask and then act out the story. You could collect some sticks and make a different sort of house. If you would like some different ideas see the activities below, have fun!



Post a Hug



If you haven't been able to see some of your family and friends and they are missing a hug why not post them one! Lay on a long piece of paper and ask someone to draw around you. Then colour yourself in. What colour hair do you have? What colour eyes? Is your hair long or short? When you have finished fold yourself up carefully and post to the person you miss. When they open your picture they can wrap it around themselves and feel your hug!!


Travelling Waters Experiment


The experiment was recommended by Frazer from Noah's Ark. Watch the video to find out how to make the water travel!!



Travelling water experiment
