This week we are going to identify and name four everyday materials
Then we will try to sort objects focusing on materials that are made from glass.
Look at the powerpoint and show children examples of objects made from glass.
Ask: Do you know what these things are made from? Why do you think they are not being passed
around? Can you think of words to describe glass?
The answers should focus on how it feels, what colour is , how heavy or light it is, what temperature it is . Explain that glass is see- through (transparent).
Ask them if they can name anything made of glass in the home and then carefully label the
objects with a sticky note.
Do they know any other glass objects?
Show children examples of bricks, if possible small and light enough for children to handle. What are they?
Can you think of any words to describe brick?
Show children Naturally occurring rocks (Slideshow 1), which has rock samples and pictures of rocky environments.
It may be necessary to let you child know that the proper scientific word for these samples is ‘rocks’, as they might call them ‘stones’.
What words describe the rocks?
Show children Lots of water (Video 1), which shows water in different places. Pour water from a jug into plastic cups.
Ask: What it is this called? What words can you think of to describe water? How is it different
from the other three materials?
Activity – you may draw and label the objects into 4 groups in your books.
Give your child a selection of pictures with examples of the four materials these will include some pictures of metal, plastic and wood objects as well from last weeks lesson.
Say to them that you have accidentally mixed up!!!
Ask them to cut out pictures and sort them into four groups of water, glass, rock and brick, and to collect together other pictures if you have them.