
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy


Below you will find the teaching and work for this week. Remember, if you would like to translate this page to a different language, you can use the Globe icon to select the language.

This week in English we will be writing our letters to Mr Booth using our plans from last week and our Grammar lesson this week is looking at Adverbs. 


Monday - To be able to use adverbs. Lesson slides on a PDF and a PDF with an activity.

Writing a Letter to Persuade.


I still can not believe that Mr Booth is planning on building a volcano on our school field! we really need to use all of our persuasive and letter writing skills to persuade him that it is a bad idea!


Over the next two English lessons we are going to be writing our Persuasive letters to Mr Booth. Following that, we will be proof-reading our work and then publishing it ready to send to Mr Booth. 


Both of our writing lesson will have a different part of the letter that you need to focus on writing. We will be breaking the letter down into parts so that we can really focus on using your plans and making each section the best it can be. It's exactly the same way that we do it in class when we are writing. 


Within each lesson you will see the part of the letter that we are focusing on writing, you do not need to print of the document it is there to show what we are focusing on and to remind you of the layout. 

Tuesday - Writing the first part of our letter.


Learning objective - To be able to write a persuasive letter.

Here you will find the resources you need, the explanation of your task and an example written by me to help with your learning.


Today we are going to be starting our persuasive letter to Mr Booth. 


To be successful we all will need to:

- Use your plan for your ideas. 

- Correctly set out your letter (you can use your plan and the writing document to help with this).

- Correctly punctuate your sentences.


To be successful most of us will need to: 

- Do everything listed above.

- Use prepositions and adverbs from our grammar lessons.

- Engage the reader and explain your reasons.

Above you will find a writing template for this lesson. You do not need to print it out if you don't want to. 


Remember to use your plan to find the recipient's address and your address (the school's address). After you have addressed the letter to the recipient, you will move onto writing the main body of your letter. The main body of your letter is where you are trying to persuade, it uses your planning from Thursday and Friday last week. 


Today you need to use your planning from Thursday and write the paragraphs for your Argument 1 and Argument 2. Whilst you're writing, it is important to explain your answer. See below for an example paragraph. 


I don't think that you should build a volcano on the school's field because it would be extremely dangerous for everyone at school and in the surrounding areas. That is because volcanoes erupt violently and the lava explodes all over. Lava is very hot and destructive, so anything that is near will be destroyed which includes our classrooms and us! So even though you are going to be making more money, every time it erupts you will need to rebuild the whole school! 


In the above example you can see that my point is in red. I have then explained my point in blue. During my explanation I have address my points to Mr Booth so that he knows I am talking to him about his ideas. You an use this example to help when you are writing your two paragraphs for today's lesson.

Wednesday - Writing the last part of our Persuasive letter 


Learning objective - To be able to write a persuasive letter. 

Here you will find the resources you need, the explanation of your task and an example written by me to help with your learning.


Today we are going to be continuing to write our persuasive letter to Mr Booth. 


To be successful we all will need to:

- Use your plan for your ideas. 

- Correctly set out your letter (you can use your plan and the writing document to help with this).

- Correctly punctuate your sentences.


To be successful most of us will need to: 

- Do everything listed above.

- Use prepositions and adverbs from our grammar lessons.

- Engage the reader and explain your reasons.

Above you will find a writing template for this lesson. You do not need to print it out if you don't want to. 


During today's lesson we are continuing our letter to persuade Mr Booth. 


Your first job is to read through the start of the letter that you wrote yesterday. This means that you will know what you included yesterday so that you don't repeat yourself today and it will help you to know where to start from today. 


Once you have read your work from yesterday, you will need to read the planning for today's lesson. This lesson will be using your planning from Friday's lesson last week. 


As you continue with the main body of your letter remember to state your point and then explain. Have a look at my example from yesterday to remind yourself how to do this. You will need to do this in separate paragraphs for each of your points. 


Once you have finished your main body you will need to finish your letter with the correct sign off. This about whether it is going to be Yours Faithfully or Yours Sincerely. Remember it depends how you started your letter, if you don't know the recipients name, so you used Dear Sir or Madam, then you would need to use Yours Faithfully followed by your name. 

Thursday - Proofreading my work 


Learning objective - To be able to proofread my work. 


To be successful you need to: 

- Read your work out load. 

- Check for missing punctuation and capital letters. 

- Check for words you can see you have spelt wrong. 

- Make sure the sentences make sense.


Have a look at the document below and work your way through it to proofread your work. Remember to correct your work you need to put a neat line through the word and then correct it, just the same way as we do at school. 

Friday - Publishing our letters 


Learning objective - To be able to publish my persuasive letter. 


To be successful I will. 

- Use the improvements that I made when I was proofreading. 

- Use my neatest handwriting. 

- Use the correct layout for a letter. 


Today we are going to be publishing our letter. That means we are doing the neat copy of our work. This is a really important part of the writing process because at the minute our work has got crossing out and improvements all over it and we need to make it really neat ready to send it to Mr Booth. Remember, Mr Booth is the CEO of infinity academies so this is a great chance to show him how amazing your writing is and to persuade him not to build the volcano!
