
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy

Independent Learning

Just a few ideas if you are not sure what you could learn during Independent Learning time.


Do you need some shopping? You could write a list of the things that you need. Use the soundmats to help you.


Do you have any recycling? Empty bottles, cardboard boxes.... what could you build using them? How can you connect them together.


What is your favourite story? Can you think of how the story starts? What happens next? How does the story end? You could use the idea below to write the story or even make up your own. Don't forget to share your amazing ideas on Tapestry.



Are u missing your friends at school? Draw them a picture and give it to them when we return.


How many different 2D and 3D shapes can you find in your house? How do you know what shape they are? Can you tell someone at home what makes a square a square? Talk about the sides, how many are there? Are the sides straight or curved? Are all the sides the same size?
