
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy



Our writing will be based around 'writing to entertain' and we will be using the stories of 'The Tiger who came to tea' , 'Harold's worst nightmare' and 'The lost collar' to inspire our writing.


This term we will be putting words together to make sentences, remembering to use the finger spaces we were practicing last term.  We will also introduce capital letters, their use and how we write them.  


Using our phonics to spell unknown words and using the tricky word wall to spell words accurately will also be one of our challenges! 




We continue our journey through the handwriting families this term, starting with the 'long armed robot family' and then moving on to the 'zig zag monster' letters.  We will be practicing making our tall letters tall and trying to sit our letters on the line. 

Writing to Entertain

Our first unit of writing is based on the story of 'The Tiger who came to Tea' by Judith Kerr.  We will be reading the story, describing the characters, making story plans in the correct sequence and then retelling the story. 
