
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy

Summer Term 2020

Welcome back to the Summer term 2020...time is really flying by!  We hope you all had a restful Easter and enjoyed lots of family time together.  We know this has been a very different break and we are all really missing our school family.  Remember to keep in touch on Twitter @StGospels and @BostonStNic our community is growing on there and it is uplifting to see the children's smiles in the photographs being posted.



Whilst we are working from home you can find work linked to our summer term's objectives in our home learning area.  Please use the ideas to spend time together at home.  Most of the activities are ones which the children should be able to complete independently once they have been explained.


Our new value this term is very fitting to the times we are in!  Perhaps you could talk to your child about what this means and how they can show it.  It would be so easy to give up trying at the moment but each and every one of you is living this value by not giving up and persevering with our current living situation.


To help the children understand you might like to start with the bible story of Noah's Ark. They can find this in their Bible's or follow the link below to watch an animated version.   Together you could discuss:


How did Noah show perseverance at different parts of the story?

Is everything that God does fair?



