Monday | Collective Worship | Phonics | Independent learning | Snack | Break | Maths | Live Author Zoom meeting 10.30am | Lunch | Reading | Topic | Independent Learning | Story time |
Tuesday | Collective Worship | Phonics | Independent learning | Snack | Break | Maths | Independent Learning | Lunch | Reading | Topic | PE | Story time |
Wednesday | Collective Worship | Phonics | Independent learning | Snack | Break | Maths | Independent Learning | Lunch | Reading | RE | Independent Learning | Story time |
Thursday | Collective Worship | Phonics | Independent learning | Snack | Break | Maths | Independent Learning | Lunch | Reading | Topic | PE/PSE/Therapy Thursday | Story time |
Friday | Collective Worship | Phonics | Independent learning | Snack | Break | Maths | Independent Learning | Lunch | Reading | Music | Independent Learning | Story time |
This Thursday is World Book Day and this years theme is 'Share a Story'. Can you share a story at home and post a photo or video onto your Tapestry account. It would be lovely for us to share your child's favourite book when the children return to school on the 8th March. It would be lovely to hear some stories in the children's Home Language too.
Click on the link to take you to our World Book Day area on our school website
Our focus this week is on the '3 Little Pigs story, visit the Independent Learning section for activities and ideas to do.