
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy

Art and Design

Contrast and Compliment


Vocabulary: Analogous, complimentary, harmonious, hue, primary colour, secondary colour, tertiary colour


This project teaches children about colour theory by studying the colour wheel and colour mixing. It includes an exploration of tertiary colours, warm and cool colours, complementary colours and analogous colours, and how artists use colour in their artwork.

Whilst learning about the colour wheel, we will examine work by famous artists, noticing the colours they have chosen to use and challenging ourselves to see if we can make them!

Finally we will use our new knowledge and skills to create our own piece of artwork using the colours from the colour wheel!

At the end of our unit, we spent some time evaluating each other's work. We had to think about how to give meaningful, constructive feedback to each other using a blend of things we liked about the piece of artwork we were looking at, and how the person might like to improve next time.
