This week our writing will be based on the traditional tale 'Goldilocks and the three bears'. You can read the story or watch the video of the story below.
Watch the video of the story. After enjoying watching, talk about what happened in the story. which parts did they like/dislike? Explain why.
Main task:
Today we are going to look for words with the suffix -ing. There were some in the story. Open the pdf version and go on a hunt looking for words ending with the suffix -ing. Create a list of the words that you find. Can you add any more words to the list that end in the suffix -ing?
Challenge 1: Choose one of the words and see if you can use it in a sentence. Perhaps you could try putting some more in a sentence.
Example: I like sitting in the garden when it is sunny and warm.
Challenge 2: Today you are going to write some sentences containing words with the suffix -ing. Choose words from the list you have made and use them in a sentence. Try to use a different conjunction in each of your sentences - and, so, or, but, because, when, if.
Example: I like eating sweets because they taste delicious.
I like sleeping late when it is the weekend.
I am walking so I get fitter.
Enjoy reading the story together. As you read today see if you can change your voice to 'become' the different characters. Think about how you will change your voice to be Goldilocks, the bears or even Mum!
Challenge 1: Today we will continue with our learning about the suffix -ing. Today we will learn how to use the suffix to help us to spell the words. Use the powerpoint/PDF below to help you find out more. Then have a go at the tasks on the worksheet.
Today we are going to start describing the characters using simple adjectives. An adjective is a word that describes a noun. When we use an adjective and a noun together we call it a noun phrase.
Challenge 2: You are also going to draw a picture of Goldilocks and then create some labels to describe her appearance. In year 2 we learn to use an expanded noun phrase. Expanded noun phrases are made from more than one adjective and a noun. So for example:
Noun phrase: long hair
Expanded noun phrase: beautiful, long hair
Noun phrase: blue eyes
Expanded noun phrase: big, blue eyes
You will also notice that in our expanded noun phrase a comma is used! Can you use a comma in yours? See if you can label your picture of Goldilocks using expanded noun phrases!
Today we are going to begin writing a description of the character of Goldilocks and will use our noun phrases from yesterday to help us!
Challenge 1: Using your labels from yesterday turn your labels into a sentence. Try to use the conjunction and to join your sentences. Here's my example:
Goldilocks has a blue dress and she has long hair. She has blue eyes and a white socks. Goldilocks is wearing a white apron and has curly hair.
Remember to start your sentence with a capital letter and end with a full stop.
Challenge 2: Using your labels from yesterday you are going to write a paragraph telling someone about Goldilock's appearance. Try to use different sentence openers and conjunctions in your writing to make it more interesting.
Here's the start of mine:
Goldilocks is a pretty, beautiful girl and she wears a bright, blue dress. She has long, blonde hair and big, blue eyes. If you look closely you will see her curly, black eyelashes or you might notice her tiny, black nose! Also she always wears her clean, white apron which matches her white, stripey socks.
Don't forget to use your capital letters and full stops!
Today we are going to describe Goldilocks' behaviour in the story. Read the story again and as you read think about how she is behaving. Is she good or bad? Mean or kind? Sneaky or trustworthy? Think about how she might feel as well. You could make a list of the words you think of to help you with your writing today.
There are lots of words you can use to describe characters. Click the link below to read some of the words I thought of when describing Goldilocks and Baby bear. Read the words and decide which ones you think would be best for Goldilocks and which would be best for Baby bear.
Challenge 1: Now I'm going to use the words to describe Goldilocks. I'm going to use the word because as my conjunction to help me explain why I think she is like the word I've chosen.
Here's the start of my description:
Goldilocks is naughty because she goes into the bears house. She is picky because she doesn't like lots of the bears things! Goldilocks is a mean girl because she breaks Baby Bear's chair and that makes him very upset.
Challenge 2: You are also going to write a description of Goldilocks' behaviour but your challenge is to try to use different openers for your sentences and aim to use some different conjunctions.
Here's the start to mine:
Goldilocks was a naughty girl when she snuck into the three bears house. This was a dangerous thing to do because she didn't know who was inside and the bears might have eaten her! Goldilocks was rude when she said she didn't like the bears things like their chairs or their bed and she was so picky when she didn't like their porridge too! She was sly sneaking into the house when no one would see her and she was a bit silly to fall asleep in the bed!
Don't forget your capital letters, full stops and exclamation marks!
Send your work to or .... we can't wait to see it!