Vocabulary:Sort, forwards, backwards, compare, greater than, less than, equal to, one more, one less. |
Our first unit of maths will be ‘place value within 10’ Although the numbers are similar to those taught in EYFS, the reasoning and problem solving required in year 1 make this a much trickier area of maths to master.
Children will learn that objects can be sorted into sets based on attributes such as colour, size or shape. This objective will enable children to consider what is the same about all the objects in one set and how they different from the objects in the other sets. Children will then recap previous learning of one-to-one counting to make sure their counting is accurate. They will then need to match numerals to a set of objects. For example, they need to be able to count the apples in the picture below and write how many there are with numbers. In this example they would write the number 8.
Children will learn how to count on from any given number. This is an important skill to develop for when we move onto our addition unit. The children will be exposed to lots of counting throughout the day from counting how many children are in that day, to counting down for a rocket jump!
Once children can find a number on a number track, they are then introduced to the concepts 'one more/one less'. Children need to know that one more is the number after and that one less is the number before. This will be shown on a number track as well as using equipment such as cubes and counters.
To start with, children will have used language such as: 'fewer', 'more' or the 'same' to compare objects and then they will move on to using 'greater than', 'less than' and 'equal to'.
Vocabulary:Part-whole model, parts, whole, addition, fact family, number sentence, number bond. |
Towards the end of the term, we will begin the addition and subtraction unit where we will introduce part-whole models, write number sentences and recap our number bonds to 10. After half term we will then focus on addition and subtraction in more detail.
This is a part-whole model. The two parts add together to make the whole. For example, the part-whole model below shows a 5 and a 4 as parts. The whole (the circle at the top) is the answer when the two parts are added together, so the answer will be 9. It is important children begin to understand a part-whole model as this model will support them throughout their mathematical journey through school. The children will have plenty of opportunities to use the model practically with manipulatives and then they will move on to drawing and writing in the parts/wholes. The part-whole model will support the children later on in the unit when completing addition and subtraction sums.
Children will learn that the addition symbol (+) can be used to represent combining two or more parts and the equals symbol (=) can be used to show the sum of the parts. The children will have plenty of opportunities to write number sentences as this is an important skill. Once children have established understanding, we will explore number sentences written in a different order. Just like this fact family below:
4+3= 7
3+4= 7
7= 4+3
7= 3+4
Children will need to know their number bonds to 10. These are numbers that are added together to equal 10 (like the rainbow above). Children will also need to know their number bonds numbers within 10. For example, they will need to know all the number bonds (the numbers you add together) to make 6. 1+5, 2+4, 3+3, 4+2, 5+1 and 6+0. They will learn that there is more than one way to make a number.
We would like the children to spend 10 minutes a day on the 1– Minute Maths app.
Using this app for 10 minutes a day will support your child in building greater number confidence and fluency.