Our Special Books
This term, we are learning about special books for us and for religious groups.
We thought about our special books and talked about what they mean to us. We talked about who we read our special books with and how we treat them.
We talked about Christians and thought about Tammy, who had visited us. Some children remembered that her special book was the Bible. We learned that the Bible is a special book for Christians and it has lots of different stories in it. These stories help them to live their lives in a certain way – the way that God would want them to.
We explored lots of different Bibles. Bibles for adults, Bibles for children and Bibles for very young children. We looked through some of them with a friend and noticed that the ones for children had some lovely pictures in to go with the stories. We even found the story about our class – Noah’s Ark and reminded ourselves what the story was about.