
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy

Week Beginning 05/07/21

Below is the timetable that the children would follow at school. There is an expectation that children will continue their learning as usual while isolating, but this learning will happen at home, rather than at school. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Noah's Team via the children's Tapestry accounts or via the Contact the Teacher section on the class page.


Scroll down to find the relevant lessons.

MondayCollective WorshipPhonicsIndependent learningSnackBreakMathsIndependent LearningLunchReadingTopicIndependent LearningStory time
TuesdayCollective WorshipPhonicsIndependent learningSnackBreakMathsIndependent LearningLunchReadingMusicPEStory time
WednesdayCollective WorshipPhonicsIndependent learningSnackBreakMathsIndependent LearningLunchReadingREIndependent LearningStory time
ThursdayCollective WorshipPhonicsIndependent learningSnackBreakMathsIndependent LearningLunchReadingTopicPEStory time
FridayCollective WorshipPhonicsIndependent learningSnackBreakMathsIndependent LearningLunchReadingTopicIndependent LearningStory time


Click on the link below to watch some of our previous Collective Worships

Collective Worship 


Phonics - click on each link to watch the phonics lesson and post work on Tapestry 


Day 1 - Review ai ee igh


Day 2 - Review oa oo ar


Day 3 - Review or ur oo


Day 4 - Review air ur er




Day 1 - Superhero addition


Day 2 


Use two dice or if you don't have one write numbers from 1-6 on pieces of paper. Choose two of the numbers and then write a number sentence to show how you can add the two numbers together. 

Start by noticing the highest number of the two. Write this one first. You can use objects for these amounts to help you work out the answer.

Challenge yourself to start counting from the highest number and then count on, for example if you rolled a 6 and a 2, start counting from your next number along from 6 - "seven, eight". Check your objects to check your answer.

Repeat with other rolls of the dice.

Day 3


Watch the Numberblocks episode - The Two Tree


Can you play the dice game from yesterday, but instead of adding the numbers together can you subtract/takeaway/minus instead. Start from the highest number again and use objects to help you. If you roll a 6 and a 2 make a group of 6 objects and then takeaway 2 objects.


Day 4


Watch the Numberblocks episode - Pattern Palace


Can you make different repeating patterns with items you find in your house.


Independent Learning


Independent Learning can be anything a child chooses. It may building using blocks, or making a model out of playdough.

Noah's Ark spend this time practicing the learning they have done throughout the day. It might be noticing the sizes of the bricks or what shape they are. Thinking about what they would like to build and what pieces they need to make this happen.

They might use the phonics that they have learned to write themselves a shopping list, or send a note to a friend.

It could be reading a book and noticing the pictures. What can you see? What might happen next? 

Maybe they might like to act out a story they are familiar with. Can you guess what story they are thinking of?

The opportunities are endless.......


Other activities - Topic

Day 1 - Writing.


Click on the link to read the Cinderella story and then write a sentence about your favourite part of the story. Use the soundmats below to help you.


Day 2 - Science


How do you make a good bubble?


Have a think about how you can make a good bubble. Experiment with things in your house such as soap and washing up liquid to try and make a bubble. If you add more water or soap do your bubbles change? Do they pop really easy? Put your pictures onto Tapestry.

Day 3 - RE 


The Creation story - Looking after living things


Listen to the story Spinderella


Go outside and look to see if you can see some insects. We have listened to the Spinderella story, do you think that after listening to the Creation story and how God created all living creatures, would God think it was ok to squash the spiders and bugs? 

Talk about what you think and draw a picture of the bugs you see.

Day 4 - Music


When we have read the Cinderella story we have talked about different types of music. Listen to the music below, how can you move to the different music?






Pop Music






Click on the link to take you to the Video Resource Centre where there are a range of stories to listen to... or choose your own favourite book to read at home. Can you re-tell the story...or even change some of the story and make your own brand new story ending. Ask a grown up to write down your new story for you and add it to your Tapestry account. We love hearing new stories and ideas!!

Video Resource Centre



Please continue to read everyday. If the children are fluent with their book from school try other books you have in the house. Follow the link to find other opportunities to read...



A class account has been set up for your to access Oxford Owl where there is a free ebook library. 

Username: noahsark

Password: stnicholas

There is some fantastic information to support Parents during Remote Learning. 

Follow the link below:

