
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy



This week is the first of a two week block looking at how to write a simple set of instructions. 


Make a Paper Dog with Mister Maker | ZeeKay Junior

Listen to these instructions, what kind of words do they use?

Go through the powerpoint. Practice saying instructions out loud to someone in your house then try writing some of them down.


Bookworm - MAKE IT IN ONE MINUTE ⏰ | Mister Maker 🧑‍🎨

Watch the video, listen out for key words ! If you can why not try and follow the instructions and make the book mark at home.

Tuesday - I understand what a verb is. I can find verbs in instructions. Open the powerpoint and work through the activities.


Paper Pet Fish - MAKE IT IN ONE MINUTE ⏰ | Mister Maker 🧑‍🎨

Watch the video to get to understand what language is used! Can you hear him using all those bossy verbs?

Wednesday - To sequence instructions . Look at one of the versions there are different levels to choose from. Read them or talk about the pictures. Then have a go at drawing and writing your own set of instructions!


Mister Maker | Pencil Pet Minute Make

Watch the video and spot and adverbs! Can you hear any?

Thursday - I can write a simple set of instructions. Look at the powerpoint then write a simple set of instructions about how to wash your hands. Use the word bank to help you. Can you set it out correctly?

Friday - To read our work through out loud. To edit and improve my writing.
