Vocabulary: Tenths, hundredths, decimal place, decimal point, data, axis, estimate, convert, change. |
We will learn to recognise tenths and hundredths using a hundred square. When first introducing tenths and hundredths, concrete manipulatives such as Base 10 will be used to support understanding. We will learn that ten hundredths are equivalent to one tenth and can use a part-whole model to partition a fraction into tenths and hundredths.
Next, using the hundred square and Base 10, we will learn to recognise the relationship between 1 10 and 0.1, writing tenths as decimals and as fractions. We will also learn to place these onto a numberline and then link this numberline to measurement.
We will then learn to recognise the relationship between 1 100 and 0.01 and to write hundredths as decimals and any number of hundredths as a decimal and represent the decimals using concrete and pictorial representations. In addition to this, we will begin to understand that a hundredth is a part of a whole split into 100 equal parts. In this small step children stay within one whole
Finally, we will explore reading and representing hundredths on a place value grid, seeing that the hundredths column is to the right of the decimal point and the tenths column. The use concrete representations to make numbers with tenths and hundredths on a place value grid will be used and will help us to write the number we have made as a decimal.
Our unit of work on money will see us covering the following key areas:
We will then have the opportunity to solve problems involving money using the four operations.
When working with Mrs Dougill this term we will be completing the statistics unit of work.
We will be learning: