To be able to find the important words in Genesis 1:1-5
Today we are going to be continuing to look at the Christian belief of God The Trinity by reading Genesis 1:1-5 from the Bible.
You can find it by following this link -
Have a read by following the question below. Whilst you read you will need to make a list of all of the words that you think are the most important.
Now I would like you to look at all of the words that you have wrote down. Can you reduce the list to the 6 words or phrases that you think are the most important?
Once you have done that, have a look at my list below. Don't look until you have decided your 6 most important though!
My 6 most important words or phrases were:
God, life, light, darkness, Spirit of God and Earth.
How did my list and your list compare? Were they the same or different?
Why do you think the 6 most important words that I chose were; God, life, light, darkness, Spirit of God and Earth.
When answering that question, think about all of the learning we have done about The Trinity last term.