
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy


This term in writing our main focus will be on our phonics and handwriting.

Handwriting is a key skill in Key Stage One and it is expected that children learn to form all of their letters correctly starting in the correct place and producing letters that are the correct height. We therefore spend this first term working through the different sets of letters ensuring children are confident in this.


To help the children remember the way a letter is formed we use some simple rhymes.  Don't be surprised if your child is 'slithering down a snake' or 'curling around the caterpillar' as they write, we will be actively encouraging the children to use these rhymes to help them form their letters correctly.


If you are writing with your child at home the link below will take you to the rhymes so that you can help them to!



Topsy and Tim Visit London
