
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy


In year 1, the children will develop their knowledge from EYFS experiencing feelings and now be able to give examples of when they have felt this emotion. They will also be learning how to cope with these emotions and identify key adults who can help them.

Internet safety will be delivered once every term and Year 1 will develop their understanding of who to talk to if they feel uncomfortable on the internet.

Next term they will move this learning on to look at sharing pictures.       


Week 1

To understand the need for classroom rules.

Internet safety

To understand how to keep safe online.

Week 2

To identify different feelings.

Week 3

To identify different feelings and how to deal with them.

Week 4

To recognise that we are part of a family..

Week 5

To identify ways to be a good friend.

Week 6

To understand the importance of listening
