This term we will be focusing on Writing to Inform and will be learning about Diaries and Non-Chronological Reports. Whilst looking at each text type, we will start by looking at a good example, learning about the features and then identifying them in the example. We will then move onto planning, writing, proof reading and editing our own work.
Today we focussed on how to correctly punctuate sentences using capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks. We then tested our skills by answering quiz questions on Kahoot!
We did a tooth decay experiment using eggs, vinegar, Coca-Cola, water and toothpaste to help us when we write our non-chronological reports. Our non-chronological reports will be all about how to keep your teeth healthy.
We started our learning about Haiku poems by reading different examples and finding the features of them. We learnt that the are Japanese poems that have 3 lines. Each line has a certain a,out of syllables that are allowed on the line. Line 1 and 3 have 5 syllables and line 2 has 7 syllables.
As Haikus are traditionally about nature, we went outside to take pictures of the nature around to school to get inspiration for our own Haikus. We then made word banks and worked out how many syllables were in each word. These word banks were really useful when we wrote our Haiku poems.
Our class book this term is 'The Abominables' by Eva Ibbotson. The Abominables is an exciting story about a little girl who is kidnapped and helps a family of Yetis in need.
It is expected that everyone reads 5 times a week and makes an entry into their reading journals. Everyone who does read 5 times a week will get a raffle ticket and be entered into a draw to win a brand new book each week! Alongside this, reading 5 times a week will help the children to improve their reading fluency and comprehension skills and unlock lots of magical adventures and information!