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School Closure - Home Learning
Whilst our school is closed and we can't be together you can find some home learning ideas by clicking on the link below. You can share your home learning with us through our twitter account @StGospels or you can contact Mrs Smith using the contact form below. We look forward to seeing what you have been getting up to!
Home Learning Summer 2 w/c 1st June 2020 to July 21st 2020
During our final summer term we are moving all of our home learning to Oak National Academy.
Oak National Academy is a new collection of high-quality lessons and online resources. Backed by the Government, it has been created in response to the coronavirus lockdown.
Its online classroom offers free access to great teachers, delivering video lessons, quizzes and worksheets. Available for both primary and secondary, it covers a range of subjects. They have ordered all the lessons so your child can learn along a clear plan. They will provide new lessons and resources each week.
Welcome to Gospels Class! We are really excited to be in year 1 and our number one rule is to be kind. On these pages you will be able to find information that will help us to learn more at home, as well as keeping everyone updated with what we are doing in school! You can also find out more by following us on twitter @StGospels .
As we have been so busy we have created some new pages to our website below. Keep scrolling down for information from the Autumn Term (1&2), then if you would like to find out about Spring (terms 3 and 4) or Summer (term 5 and 6) click on the links!
We hope this helps you to navigate around and see what we have been up to!
We have been learning all about ourselves. We have thought about how we have changed by looking at our baby photographs and comparing them to what we look like now! We also thought about how our needs have changed too! Lots of us brought photographs to share of our special memories and we were able to talk about these confidently. We also enjoyed bringing our toys to school and comparing them to some toys from the past, looking at how they are similar and different!
Our whole school value this term is Creativity. We have been learning about Creativity in the Bible by listening to the Creation story. We have also talked about how we can be creative as well as how we can look after the creations that God made.
In our Science work this term we are learning about our bodies. We have been naming and labeling parts of the body and also thinking about how the parts of our bodies are used. We have found out that we have five senses and have been on a listening walk to use our sense of hearing.
This term we have been working on our place value unit. We have learnt to count, make and compare numbers using lots of new vocabulary. We then moved on to looking at addition. We have been using the part whole model to help us to understand that parts combine to make a whole!
There are lots of games online that you can play to practice your number skills. The websites listed below have some super learning games for children in year 1.
More Maths Fun!There are lots of fun learning games to try here as well!
Go Green for Dyslexia!
Our craziest photo competition entry!
On the 1st October we took part in 'Go green for Dyslexia'. We all wore something green to school and even ate lollies that turned our tongues green! We found out that people with Dyslexia learn differently and might need some extra support. Mrs Curtis challenged us to create the craziest photograph! We hope we win her competition!
Seasons: Autumn
We spent the last week of term exploring the season of Autumn. We kept a weather chart and talked about the changes that were happening. We learnt about animals preparing to hibernate, birds migrating, celebrations and farmers gathering in the food before the winter. We particularly enjoyed visiting the woods and looking for signs that Autumn had arrived. We collected lots of natural objects and brought them back to the classroom so we could examine them closely. Our favourite part of the week was carving some pumpkins! We were amazed to look inside and find out it was full of seeds as well as lots of gooey things! When we had finished, we took our pumpkins back to the woods and left them in the trees for our wildlife to enjoy.
Our new topic is 'Moon Zoom'. We will be finding out all about the astronaut Neil Armstrong and what he did that made him famous. In our art work we will be learning to use clay to create models using different techniques before creating our own models of Beegu. Beegu is an alien who we will be meeting in our English lessons, who has crash landed on Earth and we will be using his travels to explore feelings and also to make predictions in our reading. In our D.T. work we will be designing and building a new rocket for Beegu to use to fly home!
Our new value is Generosity. We began our term by hearing the story of Jesus feeding the 5000. Using his story as an inspiration we will be exploring what the word generosity means and how we can show it both at home and at school. How can you be generous today?
English and Topic
We have been reading the story of Beegu as a focus for our learning. We read the story, sequenced the key parts, retold the story and then we became authors and wrote a new Beegu story of our own.
In our topic work we have learnt to use the clay and then we used our new skills to create our own Beegu models!
Christmas 2019
We have enjoyed lots of different Christmas learning this term. We have been to the Church for our Christingle service, held our Christmas craft fair, sung carols around the tree, enjoyed Christmas dinner and of course had lots of fun at our Christmas Party! If you would like to see the many photographs we took head over to our twitter page @StGospels.
We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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