This term our class fairytale is the enormous turnip! We will read this story at least twice each week in our reading lessons on a Monday and a Friday. By the end of the term the aim is that the children are able to retell the story by heart with expression!
If you are not familiar with the story you can listen to it here:
We love to read in Year 1 and look forward to our daily story time each day. The children are now able to join in with reading more and more as their own reading develops too!
Please remember to read with your child and sign their reading diary every day. When reading together encourage them to use their sounds to read the words.
All books are changed on FRIDAYS.
Each Friday when we change our reading books anyone who has read five times that week earns a ticket that goes into our weekly reading raffle! During celebration collective worship a winner is chosen and that person receives a certificate and a reading prize!